Emptied & Filled


Sometimes it seems as if people view the Christian life as a list of don’ts. “Don’t do this” and “don’t do that” and if you manage that, then you will live Christianly. The challenge is that viewing living for Christ in this way robs the Christian of much of their joy. Instead of living for your Savior and King, you are living against the way of the world. Often time this results in individuals conforming to the expected behaviors, without any real change in affections within their heart.

The reason this may be likely to happen is that when people first profess their faith, it doesn’t take them long to realize that their lives don’t conform to the standards that God has set for His children. The easiest way to begin conforming to these standards is to eliminate the activities that are not aligned with His Word. However, simple elimination doesn’t result in addition. What is needed is not only a reduction in the things that don’t align with Christ, but an increase in the things that He commands – more love for others, more joy in serving, more patience and more peace. The challenge is that these can be hard to manufacture. Outside behaviors can be corrected and taught; affections must come from an internal change. Hence, they are called the Fruits of the Spirit.  They are the result of His Work in our lives, and it is this change in affections that allows us to joyfully live for Him.

Too often, though, we are so focused on emptying ourselves of the “bad” things that fill our heart, that we don’t pay attention to whether or not we are allowing the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with the things that are of Him. It is good to rid ourselves of malice, bitterness and worry, but how much better if in their place are godly attitudes and concerns? We must be emptied of fleshly desires, yes, but we must be filled with the affections that His Spirit imparts. Paul makes this clear when he writes about the Fruits of the Spirit. Immediately preceding the discussion of the fruits of a Christian’s life is a discussion about the list of things that can be resident in our hearts that are contrary to the Spirit’s will (Gal. 5:16-26). The parallelism is clear. We should be emptied of these fleshly desires, and instead be filled with godly ones. The Spirit doesn’t leave our hearts hollowed, simply devoid of our own attitudes and affections; instead He works to change our hearts, so that the things that fill them, are the same things that are true of Him.

So the next time we are prompted to ask God to remove a sinful desire from our lives, let us also ask Him to fill our hearts with the fruit of His Spirit that will wage war against the fleshly inclination. If we struggle with anger, let us ask for patience. If we carry bitterness, let us petition for joy. If we are tempted to worry, may we plead for peace. May we seek to empty ourselves of our fleshy desires, yes, but even more so may we seek to be filled with the affections that come from Him.

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One Question

There are lots of reasons that we may think about doing good to someone else:

  • They’ve done something kind for us.
  • We like them and want to show them our affection.
  • We are hoping that if we do something good for them now, they will do something good for us later.
  • We feel sorry for them.
  • And the list could go on and on…..

Scripture however, gives us one question to ask when it comes to doing good to someone else:

Do we have the opportunity? 

Galatians 6:10 states it pretty succinctly:

So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

It can seem like a unnecessarily broad standard. After all, most of us have plenty of opportunities to do good to someone and we let many of them pass us by. If we were to pursue every opportunity, we may wonder whether we would have any time, resources or energy left. However, we must consider this – as we take advantage of opportunities to do good, this will by necessity reduce the number of other opportunities we are able to pursue. God doesn’t say we have to do everything – but if we can do it – we should. Especially if the person (of people) benefitting are part of His family.

Most of us are masters at justifying the reasons we shouldn’t do something for another person. We are worried about the cost, we doubt whether they will appreciate it, we wonder whether we will have the wherewithal to keep up the pace. God provides us a simple standard to consider. And if we have the opportunity to do good, we should.

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