Without Asking


When two children are interacting, it’s not uncommon for an adult to have to intervene when a conflict breaks out.  It is also not uncommon that once the transgression in sorted out for the adult to say to one of the children, “you need to apologize.” Hopefully, the child dutifully does so, and play once again resumes.

What’s interesting about this is that while we teach children about seeking forgiveness (and this is a good thing), we are less inclined to teach children about how to forgive. The scenario enacted above assumes that forgiveness is given once an apology has been issued. Without an apology, restoration is not proffered.

This is of course contrary to a biblical explanation of forgiveness. We forgive others not because of their contrition or whether they deserve it because God has forgiven us much. Overlooking an offense is commended (Prov. 19:11), a situation where an apology is rarely present. Forgiving repeatedly is instructed, and is the expectation for every Christ follower (Mt. 18:21-22).

Perhaps there is no relationship where this is more important than our relationship with our spouse. While it is tempting to demand apologies and heart-felt regret before forgiveness will be given, how much more would our relationships benefit from forgiveness even before it’s been requested. If we forgave willingly and eagerly in order to maintain the bonds of our relationship, overlooking slight affronts, our marriage is stronger than it otherwise may be.

Of course, it is not possible to overlook everything. There are some issues that need to be dealt with and we should do so in a biblical manner. However, even in these instances we would be wise to choose forgiveness even before resolution occurs. After all, Christ has forgiven us many worse offenses (Col. 3:13).


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Choosing What’s Important


The Women’s BIble Study that I am in has been going through the book of Proverbs. As a book of wisdom, it has a lot to say about relationships. Since relationships are central to living a life that is glorifying to God and are integral to life on this planet, it is not surprising that in providing instructions for how to live wisely, relationships would be a central topic.

Because of their importance and their fragility, relationships require a lot of care and wisdom. One of the most damaging things to our relationships is our pride. If I am focused on “me,” it is difficult to be simultaneously focused on someone else.  

Yet at some point a choice has to be made; we must decide whether our pride or our relationship with another is more important. Perhaps there is no greater battlefield for this decision than in our marriages. Our familiarity with one another makes it less likely that we will feel the social pressure to defer to the other. Our history increases the chances that there have been sins against us in the past that the Enemy uses to tempt us to “stick up for ourselves” this time. Our expectation of a future together will entice us to make sure that we “get what we’re due” now, otherwise we might set a precedent for the years to come. The prideful temptations are everywhere and a choice must be made. Is our pride or our relationship what matters most? Are we willing to sacrifice “me” for the sake of “us”?

It may seem easy in concept, but it’s a difficult choice in practice. Not because the believer doesn’t know what choice they should make, but because any type of sacrifice is hard. Yet Proverbs 19:11 gives us hope. It states, “Good sense makes one slow to anger,and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” In other words, when we choose to set aside our pride and not fly off the handle, we are exercising wisdom. When we don’t demand what’s “ours” in order to overlook an offense, we are acting honorably. Choosing the good of a relationship over fueling our pride is hard, but God’s Word says it’s worth it. And because He will be the final arbitrator, if He says it’s worth it, we know that it is.

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