The Empty Salsa Jar

Being a single adult affords more than its fair share of awkward moments. Weddings are a fan favorite – especially during those slow dances that are all about showing the one you love how much you care. Family Christmas letters are another – there’s only so many times that people want to read the latest news on your career. Even something as seemingly benign as going to church can be a cause for chagrin. There is, after all, no quicker way to clear a row of seats at church than to have a grown person sit at one end. Immediately there will be a berth of 10 feet granted by the remaining of the congregants.

Although these public displays of aloneness can be discomfiting, there are some private moments that also have their share of vexation. Like an empty salsa jar. It’s not that you’re out of salsa that causes the concern (although that does have its fountain of pain) its realizing that since the time you bought the salsa and the time you can see through to the bottom no one else has eaten it but you. I guess some (i.e. guys) may see this as a sense of accomplishment but it has its hints of sadness too. After all, we were made for community and if there’s not even someone to share your salsa with, you kind of realize how very on your own you are. Even those of us blessed enough to have a caring family or steady friends know that while we might be able to convince someone to come over and eat some dip with us, no one is legally or spiritually obligated to share in our food, to be a part of our household. You realize that “your immediate family” is now just you.

Somehow though, along with minor flashes of despair, there is a sense of comfort in this too. As much as I might like someone to share my life with, I know that I’ve learned things I never would have if I could conveniently lean on another. As it is its just me and God, and it doesn’t take long for me to realize that I’m not going to cut it. There’s freedom without obligation and this has allowed me to experience life in a way that family responsibilities don’t allow (Spontaniety is a lot easier when the only schedule to consider is your own.) Patience is an obvious (although imperfect) bi-product of the unfulfilled anticipation. Security too, knowing that although life may not turned out as I planned, God’s plans will prevail.

Someday I hope to have someone else to blame the empty salsa jar on (along with the dirty dishes, messy closet and a whole host of other things.) Until then, I’m grateful for the lessons that the journey affords and the fact that no one steals the chips!

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Small Victories

It was silly really. A friend and I were going to a crowded movie theater and someone snagged my parking spot (Quick sidebar – I’ve been accused of using the word “friend” as a cover-up for ambiguous relationships that I’d rather not define. No ambiguity here – a very genuine and amazing friend.) As I saw the other car round the corner, I said, “Don’t steal my spot” – after all, I had been patiently waiting for it. But she did and that’s when I . . .well, I drove on.

Now, you’re probably thinking that’s a lousy story and if you’re looking for Lifetime Drama, you’d be right. Although I wasn’t happy about getting my spot taken so blatantly, I chose to believe that the other driver was just a little confused. Even if she wasn’t – what was I to do? It’s not like I’m going to get into a fist fight over a place to park.

Similarly, in the midst of a time-sensitive project I was working on, my printer failed me. Now, this doesn’t seem like a big deal unless you’re like me, which is – you don’t care about how computers work, just as long as they do. I tried the classic trick of unplugging it, turning it off and on, and pressing every button in random combinations. None of it worked. So I went to sleep. Again, not a great story, but there is a lesson.

The parking spot that was stolen was miles (slight exaggeration) from the theater. The one I ended up parking in was barely 20 steps away. The printer never did work that night, but the next day when I came home from work, it did. I don’t know why, but that’s o.k. I’ve learned not to question unexpected blessings. Additionally, I realized that if I had thrown a fit when it broke, or if I had taken the opportunity to rattle off a litany of the injustice done to me by the parking spot-thief, I’d still be in the same position I am today and position isn’t all that bad. I secured a great spot and I have a working printer. My reaction didn’t change the outcome, but it did help me appreciate it.

Sometimes its the small victories that teach us about grace. Sometimes we learn from our mistakes. Although I’m more apt to attempt the latter, I’m glad when the former offer some instruction too.

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