The Evils of Marketing

In business, there is often good-natured teasing between the disciplines. The division of power not only ensures fulfillment of all the responsibilities, but it creates barriers between those who spend the money and those who count the money. This tension is beneficial and if parlayed correctly helps ensure that the organization is properly run. Recognizing this doesn’t eliminate the tension but it does make it more hilarious.

What’s true in the confines of an organization often gets carried over to the classroom, and my students have repeatedly heard about the evils of marketing, mostly from those who participate in other business disciplines. While this is understandable, some of the jokes may have had an unintended effect. They cause those who feel called to a career in marketing to question the validity of their chosen path. As an individual who has spent her adult life in this field, this makes me sad. Sure, marketing can be used for less-than-commendable purposes, but so can any discipline (Enron, anyone?). The marketer’s job isn’t to convince people to buy something they don’t know, it’s to communicate to the organization’s audience on its behalf. It’s the responsible marketer who listens to the customer, discovers their needs, and creates products or services that meet those needs. It’s not about need creation, it’s about need fulfillment.

And while some may see this as evil, there’s also a part of me that wants acknowledgment for all the good that happens as a result – all of the innovation, and new product creation, and communication that helps customers understand what they’re purchasing and why. There are times when the good gets lost in the clutter – often as a result of the marketers’ own actions, but that doesn’t mean the good doesn’t exist. Just like how the media spokespeople for Christianity can be some of the worse representations of my faith, those who often get notoriety for their marketing exploits, aren’t the ones who really represent its significance.

The battle between disciplines is one that I’ve verbally chosen to stay out of. After all, I appreciate those individuals who count the money, sell the product, or ensure that my HR benefits are maintained. But for all my students who question whether the field they’ve chosen is good, this blog’s for you.

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Changed and Commissioned

Teaching college students is one of the greatest joys of my life. It combines two things that get me excited – business principles and helping others. Although it may be strange to think that business principles can get one excited they truly do. Its just one of my many quirks.

Along with teaching though, there comes the time that the students will inevitably leave. This isn’t a time I look forward to although it is a time that’s filled with mixed emotions. You’re proud of what they’ve accomplished and yet sad that you will in all likelihood never see them again this side of heaven. At the same time, many students approach their date of graduation, a day that they’ve been preparing for the past four years, with trepidation. Many don’t know what they’ll do at the time of their departure and they are looking for some sort of plan.

My hope for all my students, regardless of the plans that they’ve established for themselves, is that they’ve used their time during their college careers to get know their Father better, to deepen their relationship with Him, to make a commitment that they’ll be used by Him “any way, any time, any place.” In other words, its not only their increase in business knowledge that I hope has changed them, I hope that their hearts have been changed as well.

The amazing thing is that immediately upon being changed, we have a commission. Christians do not have to wonder what their purpose in life is; God has made it abundantly clear that all of creation was instigated for His glory. We may feel that we don’t know which path to tread, but in truth, we always know what we are to do. We are to do that which brings our Father honor, praise, and adoration – from our own lives and the lives of others.

What is true for my students, is true in each life that has been made a new creation by the work of the Spirit. Being changed by God precipitates a commission. Our job is to be committed to fulfilling it.

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