To Him Alone

“I am the Lord; that is my name;

my glory I give to no other,

nor my praise to carved idols.”

 – Isaiah 42:8

We are so often the recipients of God’s mercy and grace that sometimes we struggle with remembering that God is also jealous God – a God who is unwilling to share the glory that is due to Him with anything else. When hearing this, some may be tempted to think it’s arrogant – as if God has no right to demand that He alone deserves honor and praise. However, God knows that when we ascribe the glory due Him to some lesser thing, we are worshipping a false god; we are putting our confidence and hope in something that will not satisfy our deepest longings and can not meet our deepest needs. His unwillingness to share the glory due to Him does not just serve His renown – it is for our benefit as well. If He were willing to partition the praises He is due, to accept only some of our worship and adoration – He would not be the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-sufficient God that Scripture says He is. He is worthy of all praise, and as it is given Him, His creation fulfills its purpose.

If God is not willing to share His glory with anything else, we should not be found giving glory to any lesser thing. Nothing should be honored, esteemed or delighted in above the Lord. He should be our “all in all.” To Him alone should be glory and praise, and in Him alone should be our satisfaction and strength.