Bits & Pieces (9/21/12)

  • God Owns It – An interesting post about Hobby Lobby’s founder and his approach to “wealth management.”


  • Sensationalism as Scholarship – Al Mohler, Jr. does a great job of summarizing the events surrounding a recent archaeological discovery, why it’s being herald and what it truly represents. 


  • Conduct Worthy of the Gospel In Corporate Worship – “We love to blame our neighbor, or the worship leader, for our inability to engage in corporate worship. But the deeper problem usually belongs to the one who is distracted. Few things are more hypocritical than showing up to a worship gathering of the Friend of Sinners and bellyaching that other sinners showed up too.”


  • How to Be Content – “So no matter what our circumstances — it’s always possible to be content.That might sound impossible.  And I’m certainly not saying I never feel discontentment. But Paul is clear — it’s possible to never feel discontentment…..because God promises to completely satisfy our hearts in Jesus Christ.” (H/T)