Bits & Pieces (9/13/12)

  • The Redistribution of Wealth – “The evils of poverty and excessive, self-indulgent wealth must not cause us to think that God’s goal is total equality of possessions, or that all inequalities are wrong. Inequalities in abilities and opportunities and possessions will be part of our life in heaven forever, and they are in themselves good and pleasing to God, and provide many opportunities for glorifying him.”

  • When Ambition Trumps Ethics – An interesting article about the conditions that may have led to the Harvard cheating scandal and the desire of students to be “successful” over being “good.” (H/T)

  • Linking Recent Events & The End Times – “God is in charge, and He is not taken by surprise. He knew about today’s events before He created the world. He can and will use it as part of His plan, which may or may not include judging society and disciplining his church. Rather than speculate on what will happen, we should focus on what the Bible has told us all along—fear God, trust God, be wise, be prepared, be faithful, be generous, care for your family, look after the body of Christ, reach out to those who don’t know Him. We don’t know the day or the hour of His return, and need to focus on faithfully serving our King until we die or He returns, either of which could happen any day.”

  • Why Blasphemy Laws Are Wrong – Dr. Russell Moore on why we should work towards the abolition of blasphemy laws regardless of whether Christians are the target of their ire and the confidence that we should have in the Word of God’s power.

  • What Can I Do When I Feel Zero Desire to Obey God? – “But in the Christian life feelings aren’t supposed to drive the train. Just as we don’t have to obey sinful feelings, neither must we follow our lack of feelings when it comes to obeying God.  Faith should drive the train for a believer. Paul says that our obedience springs from faith.”