Bits & Pieces (9/12/12)

  • What is a “good work”? – Justin Taylor and the Westminster Confession reminds us of three characteristics of a work that is good.

  • When God Pulls the Rug Out – “All this started with our assumptions about how God works—we had confidence that we could know the will of God. We could discern the “open doors” and had that “peace.” Even more, we were confident that those open doors would lead to blessing, according to our definition of blessing. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate.” (H/T)

  • Christian Values Can Not Save Anyone -“Parents who raise their children with nothing more than Christian values should not be surprised when their children abandon those values. If the child or young person does not have a firm commitment to Christ and the truth of the Christian faith, the values will have no binding authority, nor should we expect that they would. Most of our neighbors have some commitment to Christian values, but what they desperately need is salvation from their sins. That does not come by Christian values, no matter how fervently held. Salvation comes only by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”