Bits & Pieces (8/1/12)

  • When All Is Lost – It is often during moments of crisis that people turn to Jesus, and as they do so they need to answer the question “Who do you say that I am?”

  • Righteousness – “For man, righteousness is a measure of morality just as it is for God, but man has no part in defining what is right. Man is righteous only as much as his morality, expressed in desires, thoughts, and deeds, conforms to that of God’s. Where he differs with God, he is unrighteous.”

  • Who is Your Neighbor? Well, Who Are You? – “Stop asking, “Who is my neighbor?” There are deeper questions to ponder. As John Piper explains, “When we are done trying to establish, ‘Is this my neighbor?’ — the decisive issue of love remains: What kind of person am I?“”

  • Too Busy Not To Check Facebook – We can be so busy that we are unsure of what to do next, but we shouldn’t replace productivity with cheap, easy to obtain distractions.

  • Celebrating Alone – A poignant and beautiful post from R.C. Sproul, Jr. on the occasion of his twentieth wedding anniversary, missing his wife, but giving thanks for the blessing that she was to him and the eternity she enjoys.