Bits & Pieces (7/20/12)

  • Reward in Full – Jill Carattini writes about heavenly rewards and reminds us that  “[w]here the motive is the honor of God and not personal recognition or gain, we store up something that can neither be destroyed nor stolen, something far more weighty than notoriety, wealth, or praise.”

  • Seeing God’s Glory – Jon Bloom writes about the cares of this world and how they choke our affection for the word. “And when we’re choking, we can’t see the glory the word reveals. We might know about glorious things, but if knowing doesn’t produce seeing, it does us little good.”

  • When God Laughs – A beautiful post about the long-awaited son of Abraham and Sarah, and our own long-awaited hopes.

  • Putting on Humility – Seven ways that we can follow the I Peter command to clothe ourselves with humility.