Bits & Pieces (7/18/12)

  • The Key To Christian Living  – “If God has already accepted us, why should we worry about sin? Paul’s basic answer is that the true Christian will never seriously ask this question. To be justified by faith means that we also are brought into a relationship with Christ — and that relationship cannot help but change the very way we look at sin.”

  • Sanctification in the Everyday – Desiring God is offering a free e-book titled “Sanctification in the Everyday” that is based on three sermons which “intend to mobilize the church in the fight against sin and the walk of faith.” Also – Desiring God is offering an e-book about the life of David Brainerd which you can download here.

  • Eight Measures of Personal Discipleship – Lifeway Research reveals 8 “factors that consistently show up in the life of a maturing believer.” It’s worth considering the list in light of our own practices and habits.

  • Is Anyone Home? – A reminder from a stay-at-home mom that it is possible to physically somewhere without really being present.

  • Obligation, Stewardship & The Poor – “Clearly, God cares about the poor and wants us to care about them too. But how?” Kevin DeYoung gives us two biblically-based principles to consider as we address this question.

  • The High Cost of Ambivalence – Written for ministry leaders, this article looks at seven potential causes of ambivalences that can lead us down the path of compromise rather than the path of Truth.

  • 42 Years Missing – File this under “perseverance pays off.” A man finds his car after it was stolen 42 years previously.