Bits & Pieces (7/11/12)

  • Practicing Secrecy – Are we humbling trusting God to choose which good works He reveals?

  • Spend Time With Your Spouse – One marriage counselor is offering this revolutionary advice to couples – spend time together! However, how the time is spent is important.

  • The Fight for Holiness – John Piper writes “So when the body is about to be led into a sinful action by some fear or craving, we are to take the sword of the Spirit and kill that fear and that craving. In my experience that means mainly severing the root of sin’s promise by the power of a superior promise.”

  • Calculations of Grace – This little math lesson may be especially encouraging for those that have, or desire, big families. The number of people in a family increases the opportunities for conflict, but it also increases the opportunities for grace.