Bits & Pieces (6/29/12)

  • Sanctification – 12 propositions from J.C. Ryle about sanctification.


  • Why the Dead Sea Scrolls Matter? – Ever been curious about why the Dead Sea Scrolls were important. This article helps explain how their discovery impacted the study of the Old and New Testament. (H/T)



  • Women, Callings, and Having It All – “We are to pursue God rather than to aspire after an image of female strength and independence on the one hand or an icon of domesticity carved with embellishments beyond what Scripture promises or prescribes on the other. Keeping our eyes on Christ can help us see through culturally fabricated mystiques—whether feminine or feminist.”


  • Toward Better Short-Term Missions – Awhile ago I shared a link to a post about what was wrong with short-term missions trips. This post proposes some corrective steps that can be taken.