Bits & Pieces (6/27/12)

  • Sleep & Slumber – The idea of a Sabbath may be gaining in popularity, and Jill Carattini reminds us of how important Scripture had already deemed it.



  • Guard Your Purity – “Biblical purity is impossible without faithful self-discipline. Cultivating self-control is how we’re able to avoid temptation and live the holy lives God commands us to live.” (H/T)


  • Treasure Christ, Not Our Home – “Too often, however, we treasure the home more than we treasure Christ. As a result, what He has given as a blessing and an avenue of sanctification becomes a means of achievement or accomplishment, where our well-behaved children or our organizational abilities are an indication of our value and our righteousness.”



  • What is Marriage, Then – From a short definition of marriage, Jared Wilson looks at seven components of what that definition means.