Bits & Pieces (4/17/12)

  • Freebies for Tax Day – Courtesy of Yahoo Finance, companies that have special offers to “celebrate” or commiserate on tax day.


  • Heaven? Not Yet.Months ago, I wrote about a dear friend who was battling brain cancer. In this video, she shares part of her story. Have the tissue box handy for this one.


  • The Brambles and the Mud – We may tell ourselves that we are “chief among sinners” but how do we respond when God reveals the truth of that to us?


  • Turn, O Lord – It may feel like God has turned from us in our times of trial, but He has not. Are we turning from Him?


  • The Scale of the Universe – Jon Bloom at Desiring God tweeted a link to this cool interface that puts into perspective the detail and the magnitude of the universe. (H/T)