Bits & Pieces (3/1/12)

Social Media & Digital Discernment – A lengthy, but worthwhile read from John MacArthur on how to use social media wisely and in a manner that honors Christ.

Wrestled Perspectives – ” If we know intuitively that life doesn’t always go as planned, perhaps we too can gain a new perspective and a new vision as a result of wrestling through the contradictions and conundrums.”  A reminder that God’s wonderful plan may look different from what we expect, but it is worthy of our trust.

When good isn’t good enough – Another post about aligning our perspective with God’s plan.

How Do We Hear the Voice of Jesus? – If you ever wish you could hear from God directly, read this encouraging post from John Piper.

Until We’re Finally “There” – We often look for heaven on Earth, but we pursue it in vain.

Visual Theology: Awaiting the Messiah – Tim Challies continues his info graphic series with one representing the lineage of Messiah expectation through the biblical genealogies.