Bits & Pieces (2/22/12)


  • When Your Son Asks – A reminder for parents that their “first audience” (in terms of importance not sequence) for their testimony should be their kids.


  • Entitlement – David Murray on the one entitlement we really have, and what that means for all the others were tempted to own.



  • Spoken Word: 31 Woman – A video on the modern day Proverbs 31 Woman (I don’t know anything about the organization, but the video is compelling.)


  • Lenten Readings – Noel Piper will be posting 40 days of Scripture readings to get hearts and minds focused on the cross as we approach Easter.


  • Always Mardi Gras and Never Easter – I highly recommend this article by Dr. Russell Moore on his reflections about Mardi Gras and the common temptation to indulge the flesh with the indent of later making a less-than-genuine quest for redemption.