Bits & Pieces (10/9/12)

Chasing the Story – “People meet in a variety of ways, and a super-cool meeting isn’t a predictor of relationship success. So let go of the pressure to have a cool story. There are enough other pressures in dating to have to be concerned with that also. Your story will be your story. And miraculous or mundane, if God is a part of it, that’s enough.”


Spying Out the Land – “Each of us encounters times in life where we are forced to decide whether we will trust God despite what appears to be evidence that his way just won’t work, that it’s foolhardy, that it’s impossible. Before us we have the giants and the promises of God; we respond with fear of the giants (which is to say, with comfort) or with faith in the promises.”


May I Not Worry – A beautiful reminder about why the child of God should not worry.


Upholding the Universe – “A watchmaker winds his watch and lets it run until it winds down. The watch fulfills its purpose best at the very beginning if its existence when it is new and freshly wound. Someday, inevitably, it will wind down and stop forever, never to fulfill its true purpose again. Not so with creation. Creation is forever fulfilling it’s purpose perfectly because it is being moved toward its ultimate aim by the One who made it.”


Enjoying Rest – “Eden is a picture of rest—work that’s meaningful and enjoyable, abundant food, a beautiful environment, unhindered friendship with God and other people and animals. Even with Eden’s restful perfection, one day was set aside for special rest and worship. Work will be refreshing on the New Earth, yet regular rest will be built into our lives.”