Bits & Pieces (10/4/12)

Grace for Our Imperfections – “It’s common to discuss singleness as a symptom that requires a diagnosis. But the pervasive questions of this season shouldn’t be, ‘What am I doing wrong? Why am I still single?’ But instead, ‘Am I living in submission to Christ? Is His grace evidently at work in me?”


How Do I Dispose of An Old Bible? – I appreciated Tim Challies’ thoughtful response to this practical question.


Hospitality & The Great Commission – “In a progressively post-Christian society, the importance of hospitality as an evangelistic asset is growing rapidly. Increasingly, the most strategic turf on which to engage the unbelieving with the good news of Jesus may be the turf of our own homes.”


What Do I Owe the Person Who Differs from Me? – In this season of political and social debate, this post may be especially apropos.


Two Bits About Busyness – “To conquer busyness we need not only to set priorities, but to respect that others must set them too. This means understanding when people say no. It sometimes means not asking in the first place. Obviously, we shouldn’t say no to everything. We should be inconvenienced at times. It’s not always wrong to press someone for a favorable response. But simply remembering that most everyone else feels as busy as you do could do a lot to help everyone’s feeling of busyness. ”


How Church Can Be LIke Doctor Shopping – Written for pastors, this should make all of us think about how we consider church discipline.