Bits & Pieces (10/17/12)

I’m Not Busy! – “This is what disturbs me most, that my busyness, or the perception of busyness, makes me less effective in the areas in which I want to do well. That cost is too high to tolerate. So let me say it again, primarily to reassure myself: I’m not busy. I have all the time I need to accomplish the things the Lord has called me to.”


Seven Cautions for Eager Polemicists – “A one who does not shy away from controversy but strenuously argues for his position, often trying to refute a rival position in the process. I am not against polemics. It is a necessary virtue for Christians in so far as Christianity believes in the immovability and central importance of truth….I also know there are many dangers with polemics. I see them in myself and can spot them (more easily, sadly) in others.”


It’s Who I Am – “I am still Adam (and Elise and Jake’s) mom, a job I will always treasure. I am still a Sunday School teacher, a task that I love. But I am also in Christ. I am Justified. I am an adopted child of God, a saint, a servant of Christ, and I am not yet perfect.” A beautiful reminder about a Christian’s identity in Christ.


Chasing Wind – “Money itself is never the answer. What we need is a radically different perspective on money and a genuine opportunity to do something with it that will make our lives meaningful instead of meaningless.”


Why Oprah and Brad Pitt Deserted God (and Why You Shouldn’t) – A powerful video from John Piper on God’s desire to bring glory to Himself.


Dear Moms, Jesus Wants You to Chill Out – “Moms, Jesus want you to rest in him. He wants you to chill out. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. Don’t compare yourself to other moms. Don’t try to be something God hasn’t called you to be.” This may come across as a little harsh, but I think the author makes some excellent points about the expectations we place on ourselves and what God desires for us.