Prayers Too Small

When it’s my birthday, I’m terrible at coming up with a wish list.

Part of the reason for this is that I’m rather content with everything I have. Perhaps another reason for that is that I’m afraid of asking for anything too big or too extravagant. You don’t want someone to hear what you want and think to themselves “you think you deserve that!?!!?!?!” The audacity in asking for gifts of significance can prompt accusations of illusions of grandeur.

Just like I limit the magnitude of the gifts on my birthday list, I sometimes do the same with God. I “pull punches” so to speak by asking for something less than what my heart desires. I don’t want Him to think I’m too bold, too audacious. I don’t want to presume to know what God has in store for me, so I minimize my requests. I forget that the God Who said “you do not have because you do not ask” is the One who’s listening to my prayers.

So I limit my requests, and so limit my vision for how God can use me.

In short, I offer too small prayers.

But I serve a big God.

And so my prayers should be big.

I serve a God who has calmed the waves, parted the seas, and who made time stand still.

And He wants to hear from me.

So why make my prayer small?

My prayer should be big.

Because He is.
